The Black Moon House
Symbolic representation of Beltane


31 October

Beltane, which marks the beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere, occurs at the November cross-quarter. This festival celebrates the Great Rite of sexual union between the Goddess and God. As a spring fertility festival, Beltane is a time of feasting, celebration, and new beginnings - especially for lovers. In fact, Beltane is the most popular time for Witches to be handfasted.

When Beltane arrives, the stunning red flowers of the Flame Trees adorn Australian forests and gardens. Their vibrant beauty reflects the passion and energy of the Beltane season. As the land awakens from winter, the union of the divine feminine and masculine brings fertility and new life. The fires of Beltane burn away the last remnants of winter, cleansing and purifying in their path.

People gather together on Beltane night to welcome the summer and harvest the first fruits of the land. They feast, drink, dance, and make merry around the Beltane fires. When the fires die down, couples may disappear into the night to make love in the soft grass under the stars.

Beltane is a time of fertility, passion, renewal, and growth. Witches celebrate this Sabbat with great joy and enthusiasm. The divine union brings new hope and new life as the Wheel of the Year continues its eternal turn.

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