Opened flower book on table

Common Questions

Learning is always the best place to start. Take some time to understand the background and context to help ensure you find the right path for you.

What are the Sabbats for 2023 in Australia?
  • Lammas: Saturday 4th February
  • Mabon: Sunday 19th March
  • Samhain: Saturday May 6th
  • Yule: Saturday 24th June
  • Imbolc: Sunday 6th August
  • Ostara: Saturday 23rd September
  • Beltane: Sunday 5th November
  • Litha: Saturday 23rd December
How can I get started on my journey?
  • Think about what you want to achieve as this will help narrow down what topics you should start with. That being said, there definitely are some basics which we'll get covered soon!
  • Learn as much as you can. Not all advice and not all old books are correct, so be curious but don't take everyone's word for it or your mind will be full of contradictions.
  • Reach out to others for guidance. There are also groups you can join with members who are happy to help. You can find them both online and ones that meet in-person, however the accessibility of the latter often depends on where you live.
How do I set up an altar?
  • Decide the altar's purpose and how temporary or permanent it will be. Will you make a table for general work or a box you store away and open up for devotional work?
  • Research various items you can adorn them with and how they contribute to the space. For example, what role do candles, an athame, or statue play?
  • Make sure the altar space is clean and tidy.
  • You don't have to spend much money to have an altar at all. It simply needs to work for you and if more items help, that's great, but that doesn't have to be the case.
What's an easy way to stay protected?
  • Learn some methods of protection, from different items you can make (such as spell jars) to jewellery and stones you can buy to spells and rituals. Perform cleanses and protection spells specifically every so often.
  • Alternate, randomise, or combine the methods of protection you use regularly.
  • Remember that there are opportunistic entities that will want to stick around and mess with you. Be careful of things that seem too easy.
  • If you're worried about something hanging around you and you're still new to the craft, ask someone with more experience to do a curse removal ritual and protection spell for you.
How do I approach spirits?
  • Most importantly, have respect. This is the bare minimum required. Don't be pushy, demanding, or otherwise entitled.
  • Research and get to know them. Knowing what you can of their stories, what they like, and what they dislike are more ways of showing respect. Also, avoid sources that obviously paint them in a biased, negative light.
  • Have respect for yourself and your space. Keep your ritual space clean most of all, but extend this to your entire dwelling.
Why aren't my spells or rituals working?
  • If you're asking this at all, you might be being too impatient and/or pushy. Continue with your life while the magick happens instead of worrying about how, when, and if.
  • Believe and have conviction in your belief. Dabbling uncommittedly doesn't give results.
  • Don't reuse consumable ingredients for multiple purposes. For example, if you have a candle you use for prosperity, don't reuse it in curse breaking. However, if you have a set of stable altar candles alongside your main working ingredients, that's alright.
  • Not all spells and rituals found on the internet or in books are going to work for you. Sometimes you have to try a few different variations (with a reasonable amount of time in between as you want to give your spells and rituals a chance first).